Het enige Memory spel waar paren onmiskenbaar verschillen!
Speciale platinum editie van maar 50 exemplaren.
Gesigneerd, genummerd voorzien van datum op de instructie.
Proud to offer this 21st century game where pairs are definitely different!
Special platinum edition of only 50 handmade copies.
Signed, numbered and dated on the instruction page!
€ 55,-
For reservations send an email to: grid@robertsmit.eu. (You can pin and pick up your MEMORY game at the exhibition at the NDSM, 13-16 June)
or purchase your copy now:
Transfer € 55,- to NL11INGB 0006 5157 00 of Stichting The Bigger Picture, Amsterdam, citing Memory. Please add € 6,50 for shipping and handling and your address.