14. Off We Went, 2010
This is one of two diptychs from the series of 32 diptychs that consists of two prints on canvas. All other diptychs consist of a painting and a print on canvas. In this case both prints are worked over with paint and collaged elements, creating a bright atmosphere with a refined balance between grandeur and detail.
One man is told to move by getting kicked in the butt by another. The image was taken straight from a Delft blue tile. Both men wear identical but different-colored outfits that resemble pajamas. Together they represent all primary colors for screen and print. They walk in the southern Dutch countryside with a church tower behind the horizon, heading for a room you could consider a white box in a museum.
An inflated cinema screen takes up most of the space – originally a shared daytime bedroom at a Reggio Emilia elementary school where art education is considered essential for the development of children. Up front a passive pinkish swine relates to the appropriateness of the translucent porn on the screen and some of the text balloons as well. Meanwhile the screen reduces some of the tension by releasing a little air from the upper right corner.